Hull & Bottom Cleaners
EZ-ON EZ-OFF Hull & Bottom Cleaner - 32 oz. | Star brite 092832STAR-092832Qty In Stock: 47Brand: Star brite
EZ-ON EZ-Off Hull & Bottom Cleaner is the best and easiest way to clean dirty bottoms and hulls. Loosens tough marine deposits, removes stubborn stains quickly and without hard scrubbing. Formulated with a special buffered acid that is safer to use than the harsh acids found in traditional bottom cleaners. Ideal for cleaning baitwells, fish boxes or in-deck storage.
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Instant Hull Cleaner - 32 oz. | Star brite 081732PWSTAR-081732PWQty In Stock: 18Brand: Star brite
Instant Hull Cleaner is formulated to begin working on contact to remove unsightly waterline stains. It is also very effective at removing rust stains or leaf stains from fiberglass or painted surfaces. It will not harm the surface being cleaned and is ideal preparation for polishing the hull.