Toilet Cleaners & Deodorants
1 Gallon C.H. Cleans Hoses | Raritan 1PCHGALRT-1PCHGALQty In Stock: 34Brand: RaritanC.H. Cleans Hoses is designed to remove calcium deposits and uric scale from sanitation hoses and holding tanks from the toilet to the tank without having to remove hoses. C.H. is also a safe and effective replacement to the muriatic acid treatments which was once required on Lectra/San and Electroscan waste treatment systems. Learn More
1 Gallon K.O. Kills Odors Holding Tank Treatment | Raritan 1PKOGALRT-1PKOGALQty In Stock: 127Brand: RaritanBio-active formula with odor-killing bacteria to digest holding tank liquids, paper, & solid waste. Learn More
C.P. Cleans Potties Bio-Enzymatic 32oz | Raritan 1PCP32RT-1PCP32Qty In Stock: 106Brand: Raritan
Bio-enzymatic formula is specifically designed to clean Raritan toilets & eliminate intake line odors on contact.
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32 oz. K.O. Kills Odors Holding Tank Treatment | Raritan 1PKO32RT-1PKO32Qty In Stock: 99Brand: Raritan
Use K.O. Kills odor to convert the contents of your holding tank into an odor-free product. K.O. introduces live odor-killing bacteria to your holding tank which digest and emulsify liquids and solids on contact eliminating the need for additional tissue digesters or boosters.
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